Well, our summer is drawing to a close. Can you believe it! I really can't, although it has given many good memories, lots of cute babies to smooch and many lazy days just kickin back. Contrary to what I usually tell you my kids are pretty good kids. I enjoy being with them, most of the time.
I have goals to meet. Many goals and summer kind of interferes with me meeting these goals. So its time to mosey on down the road summer. Adios, sianara, shoo shoo. I gots to get back to reality.
Mamie's needs me, I am sure you are all tired of me whining about the wrectchedness of my peeps(refer to the previous paragraph) posting summer recipes thinking that inspires you and frankly not posting much at all. I tried Ok! Think back to my rockin 4th of July creations! They were magnificent! For reals.
So Goal #1- Boutiques. I want to participate in a few. Blissfest is taking a year off so I can't be a part of that! Darn it! So I really really want to go to the Believe Boutique. I visited it last year and had quite a fun time. I think I blogged about it here.
So the directors of this boutique need to see my goods. Thus being why I have dug through my archives and have posted all of these pics.
I am kind of proud of what I create. I don't mean to brag but I really love taking old things and breathing new life into them.
This is what I need to do with myself....breathe new life into me, and so it begins......Chapter 39!